* Ramon Gilsanz, Contributor to the NIST 9/11 Study, Changed His Story/Vanishing Reports
* National Geographic Special Marginalizing 9/11 Truthers Brought to You by Rupert Murdoch and the CIA
* Kathy Shaidle, UnTruther & Unabashed Racist
* "THE PATH TO 9/11" (PART 8): Southeastern Asset Management (SAM), Longleaf Partners and Perception Management TV
* The BBC, Amazing Pederast James Randi and CIA Mind Control
* Invisible History, Afghanistan's Untold Story, is no Conspiracy Theory
* Vincent Carroll's Lazy-Man's Guide to 9/11
* Letter to the NYT - 9/11 and the “War on Terrorism”: Facts and Myths
* CIA Infiltration of Pacifica - Larry Bensky's Hang-Ups
* Dr. Patrick Leman, New Scientist's Debunker of Conspiracy Theories, and the NAZI History of the Nuffield Foundation, which Funds Dr. Leman
* Who Killed Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake? Also: TCI/Heritage Communications' Jim Cownie, News Corp.'s Rupert Murdoch & the "Paranoia" of Theresa Duncan
* Film Targets JFK Conspiracy Theories & the Boston Globe's Reviewer Alex Beam Reviles 9/11 Truthers, too (Update: BOSTON GLOBE'S ALEX BEAM - SON OF A NAZI/CIA COLLABORATOR - DEFLECTS ATTENTION FROM HIS OWN FAMILY BY WRITING ABOUT QUISLING FRANCES GOULD)
* Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi Terrorizes 9/11 Truthers Also: Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi is Mentally Ill and will Only be Hunter S. Thompson in his most Far-Fetched Dreams
* Fascism is Inherently Conspiratorial - Response to Dallas Observer
* Peter Roff - a Sun Myung Moon Cultist - Attacks "Fringe" 9/11 Truth Movement in US News & World Report
* Establishment Media Debunkers of Conspiracy Research - Who are They? (Part One): RM Scaife Concubine Emerson Vermaat
* Establishment Media Debunkers of Conspiracy Research - Who are They? (Part Two): Lev Grossman, the Time Reporter who Hated V for Vendetta
* Commission Atty. John Farmer Claims 9/11 was the Result of "Massive Bureaucratic Failures"
* Homeland Security Links 9/11 Truthers to Taliban (2007)
* The Media 9/11 Debunking Machine is now a Smoking Gun
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